Reasons to Learn Reiki

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Reiki, as we all know, is a spiritual healing energy.  Reiki is very subtle energy and penetrates deep down in our existence.  It is this function of Reiki, that allows the patient to heal beyond the time limit.  It is a well known fact, that whatever appears on the physical level in form of disease and illness, is the result of deep down emotions which may need healing.

In our day to day life, we came across many incidents and experience, which is not good or had some bad experiences.  These impressions of pain subconsciously create some negative impressions with us

these accumulated expressions of pain, anger and so on start culminating in our body and ultimately results in the form of illness.

Let’s see how Reiki can help us with healing with day to day struggles and the reason why everyone should learn the Reiki I

 Reiki is very subtle and delicate energy

Reiki is very subtle and comforting energy and one instantly feels relax and much more calm.  Reiki do no harm and it works for the highest interest of the receiver.  It is very delicate energy and flows where it needed.  While learning Reiki, many students worried about this question, as to whether they will be able to direct the Reiki Energy,

But Reiki channels works mere as a medium between practitioner and patience.  In fact, only appropriate Reiki will be accepted by the receiver and no extra reiki can be given to anyone.

Reiki Hands

After attunement, many feel the warmth in the palms fo the practitioner.  As it its very normal that after the attunement, people feel Reiki in their hands.  After Reiki attunement, our normal hands turn into reiki hands and we are able now to heal ourselves.  Reiki 1 allows only hands

Many scientists have proved that after attunement our normal hands turn into Reiki Hands and now when we give reiki we our hands emit alpha and theta waves.

AS we all know Alpja  and Theta waves produce the highest heallilng within us

Midbrain activation

Mid Brain Activation is the process where we try to recharge our mid brain by some exercise, meditation and many other techniques.  but REiki is the simplest form where you can activate your brain by applying Reiki tp the specific points at temple earforehead, back of the neck modulla obliganta, which is the most important part of our brain

By daily appllication of Reiki to these points rest assured that positive results will be acquied.

Most cost effective

Reiki is natural healin method in our body, and our bodoy actually lovesthe soothing energies of REiki.  As aagainst huge fees of docors and medical expenses, Reiki is far beyon inexpensive.

Once you are attuned to Reiki, on never lose the Reiki Connection.  But daily Reiki practice should be done so that the energy path of the Reiki remains clear and clean,

Kids and animal loves Reiki

Reiki is subtle energy which can be felt by kids and animals as they are more sensitive to energy  Reiki is a harmless healing method which can be applied to kids directly without any side effects. On the contrary, kids love the healing touch of the Reiki.

Animals are energy sensitive beings, so they naturally love the healing energies o the Reiki.  You will notice that when you start giving Reiki to animals even distantly, slowly within 5-10minutes animals like cat, the dog come near to you and appreciate the healing energies of the Reiki.

Similarly, Plants also love Reiki and it is seen that plants which are given Reiki on regular basis, grows very well and bear more fruits and production.  It is proved now scientifically also.

Reiki cut down your medical charges

Anyone who ever learned Reiki knows that after Reiki 2 attunement, our health system goes a major upgradation and now after Reiki attunement becomes more strong and sturdy.

Consequently, your expenses on medicines cut down to a great extent, and you give Reiki to your family moments, they also feel better and more healthy.

So even if one person of the family learned the Reiki, the entire home becomes healthy and happy.

Reiki Directly benefits the Immune system

one of the major reason that one feels great after learning Reiki is that our immune system gets healing on a regular basis and therefore we feel more energetic and lively.

Reiki deeply absorbs in every cell and tissue of our body, so every tiny part of our body gets healing, and the whole of our system is in homeostasis.


hey friends,

this is a very basic benefit of the Reiki, Reiki works more on a mental and emotional level.  So learn Reiki Now and you will notice the difference within a few days.

If u have any question, pl let me know in the comments section below, I will be more than happy to answer them.

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