Karuna Reiki Symbols – Keys to Higher Realms.

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What is Karuna?

All major religions highlighted Karuna or Compassion as a major attribute towards attaining Enlightenment.

What is Karuna Reiki?

Karuna Reiki is a very subtle yet very powerful system of Reiki.  Karuna Reiki is different from Usui Reiki, though you must be a Reiki Master or at least Reiki II practitioner to get attuned to Karuna Reiki.

What is Karuna?

Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zen which means Compassion.

Karuna could be translated as “Compassionate Action.” – Any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others.

When one attuned to Usui Reiki, he constantly works with higher frequencies, as Reiki easily connects you to your Higher Self and other Higher realms.

As a result, your chakras get aligned with these frequencies, and can easily connect you to other realms.

Karuna Reiki is more subtle, and the Karuna Reiki symbols carry the energies to connect you more easily to higher realms, working with Karuna Reiki Symbols highly increases your frequency levels.

When the individuals experience enlightenment, the one common feeling arises – All beings are One!  So it is natural to extend compassionate action or Karuna to everyone without distinction.

As a Reiki practitioner, when we help others in their healing process, all beings benefit.  In the Reiki healing sessions Karuna is not only extended to others out of love but also because it is completely logical to do.

As the feeling of oneness establishes in oneself, in the same way, that you would want to heal your own wounds, you would also want the wounds of others to heal.

Buddhist literature emphasized that Karuna must be accompanied by Prajna or wisdom in order to have the right effect.

Higher Realm and Compassion

Karuna is the motivating factor for all enlightened beings from Earth as well as from other realms who are continuously working to end the suffering on the Earth.

These Enlightened beings had once lived upon the Earth and know the difficulties faced by the human race.  So out of compassion or Karuna, they are always ready to help.

They continuously send an unlimited amount of healing energy and guidance to us, but not all are receptive to it.

AS you work with Reiki and Karuna Reiki, not only you help others but you also become more receptive to the Karuna, compassion, and guidance that is being sent by all Enlightened Beings.

As a Reiki practitioner, you have easy access to connect with these Higher Realms, with the help of symbols like Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, Gnosa and several others.

With the help of these Higher Frequencies, your healing is quickened as well.

Origin of Karuna Reiki

The Karuna system of Reiki was developed by Reiki Master William L. Rand.William L. Rand.

The Symbols were channeled by several other Reiki Master including Marcy Miller, Mellie-Ray Marine, Pat Courtney, Catherine Mills Bellamound and Maria Abraham.

Sir William used the symbols and found them incredibly valuable but felt that they had more potential than was being accessed.

Sir William meditated on them and was guided to develop the attunement process and named the new system Karuna Reiki.

Some of the symbols used in Karuna Reiki are used in other systems, but they do not have the same effectiveness and healing energies in the Karuna Reiki.

Read an interview of Sir William L. Rand on Karuna Reiki.

Characteristics of Karuna Reiki 

  • Karuna Reiki Energy is different from Usui Reiki.
  • Most practitioners found it more powerful than Usui Reiki.
  • The Karuna Reiki has a more definite feeling and works on all energy bodies simultaneously.
  • Karuna Reiki Practitioner reports a feeling that the energy surrounding them and their client.
  • Karuna Reiki has a more profound grounding effect, as symbols like Rama, mainly serve the purpose of aligning the lower chakras.
  • Most importantly, those who receive the attunements report experiences with their guides, angels and Higher Self, and feel the healing presence of other Enlightened Beings.

You must be a Reiki Master, to learn Karuna Reiki.  Karuna Reiki is not an alternative to Usui Reiki.


Karuna Reiki SymbolsKaruna Reiki Symbols

Karuna Reiki is divided into two levels.

Karuna Reiki I include ZONAR, HALU, HARTH and RAMA Symbols.

Karuna Reiki II includes GNOSA, KRIYA, IAVA (EE-AH-VAH), SHANTI Symbols.

Read in detail about Karuna Reiki Symbols Here:

Karuna Reiki symbols, especially Karuna Reiki II symbols are more effective to connect with Higher Realms.

Have a look at Sir William’s Opinion:

Those who receive the attunements report experiences with their guides, angels, and higher self and feel the healing presence of other enlightened beings.

The Karuna II symbols are of a higher vibration and more powerful. They help connect directly with the Higher Self and work on a deeper level. While they have specific purposes, the experience of their energy allows intuitive guidance in their use.

How  to activate the Karuna Reiki Symbol

The method to activate the Karuna Reiki symbols is the same as Usui Reiki.  Whenever you want to activate a symbol, visualize it and intone it thrice.

You can say it aloud or say it in your mind.

But Karuna Reiki healing, suggests a different approach.   While healing with Karuna Reiki Symbols  Sir William suggested keeping chanting and toning the names of the symbols while giving treatment to clients.

Sir William explained it beautifully:

The vibration of the voice becomes a physical carrier wave for the Karuna Reiki® energy to travel on.

This causes the healing energies to penetrate more deeply into the cells and tissues of the client’s body. The chakras and auras of both the practitioner and client are also opened more completely allowing a wonderful vibrancy to take place within and around them.

Those who have experienced this process report a feeling of becoming more awake, more alive and more completely healed.


Among all the symbols of Karuna Reiki, some symbols specifically used for connecting to Higher Realms.

In Usui Reiki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen serves the purpose to connect with any dimension.  HSZSN is beyond space and time. It can connect you to the past, present or future.


Symbols to connect with Higher Realms


In the same way, Zonar is the distant healing symbol in Karuna Reiki.

The next important symbol to work with Higher Realms is HALU.  Halu is an amplification of Zonar.  It is more powerful than Zonar and works in Higher Dimensions.

GNOSA  also links you more strongly with the Higher Self.

There is no hard and fast rules about which symbols you should use.  These Symbols are mentioned just as a guideline.

The best way to find out which symbol is more effective and align with your energies, just meditate on it.

Meditation helps you a lot when you are working with Reiki and Karuna Reiki.

Karuna Reiki is a very subtle and gentle energy.  Whenever you work with Karuna Reiki Symbols, you automatically get connected with higher realms and intuitive guidance.  This Divine Guidance helps to heal on a deeper level of different issues.

Which Karuna Reiki Symbol do you work most?

Mine is SHANTI – I just love to work with this symbol, as it can be used for manifesting the best possible result, in any situation and circumstances.


It soothes the aura, creating a feeling of peace.  Shanti also works beyond space and time.  It heals the past, creates harmony in the present and releases the future.

Just apply SHANTI on any situation, and be assured that it will bring the best possible result.

If you would like, apply CKR to it or make a sandwich of it, CKR + SHANTI + CKR!

In our day to day life, we come across many difficult situations, why not try these symbols to get the best possible results?

Pl let me know, how do you work with Karuna Reiki symbols and your experience with these symbols connecting with Higher Realms.

Feel free to download the Infographic of Karuna Reiki Symbols – 1& 2 !


Karuna Reiki Symbols Level 1 & 2 - Infographic.

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15 thoughts on “Karuna Reiki Symbols – Keys to Higher Realms.”

  1. This is the first time I’ve actually heard about Karuna Reiki. I’ve done a lot of reaserch on this topic myself. I find reiki really interesting and mystical. I just shows that humans have way more capabilities than everyone thinks. It’s important to get in touch with the spiritual realm if we want to achiece peace in the world.

    • Thanks Donny for your honest views, Karuna Reiki is a more advanced version of Reiki, so you have to be Reiki Master to learn Karuna Reiki.  So obviously very few are determined to learn Karuna Reiki. 

      Reiki has a much more wider spectrum than one can understand.  When you learn Reiki, unknowingly you surrender yourself to higher realms.  

      I think yoga and Reiki easily connects you with your inner-self, and that’s when you achieve peace within you, and when you feel peaceful inside, automatically it reflects in your outer world also.

      I like your richpersonality.com, and red your article on yoga.  I disagree with your opinion when you say yoga can be a way to escape from all the anxieties and difficulties.

      In my opinion, yoga make you so strong internally – that you face the challenges of life very easily. you don’t need to run away from your problems when you follow yoga.

  2. Hello, thank you for the interesting write up. This is my first time hearing of Karuna Reiki so it is very cool to look into.

    I have heard of and am familiar with Reiki practice but I do not know many details, so I am glad that I found your site and will be able to learn more about it 🙂 Thank you!

    • Hey Art,

      We must respect everyone, especially who have developed a totally new branch of Reiki, Karuna Reiki, which is more subtle than Reiki. Sir William has given a new spectrum to Reiki healing.


      • True. I admit to the concept of respect. To us, it’s sort of funny and foreign to use Sir…I in no way aim to denounce your reverence behind the use…it’s just somewhat amusing to us is all…for me it conjures up images of King Arthur and his knights of the round table…

      • I do respect Reiki. I am an Usui and Karuna Reiki Master. I think that William gets overshadowed at times over the people who channeled the actual symbols though…I respect the guy…but he’s not a Seer or enlightened person….just someone that loves deeply and wants to make people into better versions of themselves. This isnt much but there it is…maybe that might she’d some more light on my frivolous attitude regarding the use of Sir…

  3. Hi there, thank you ever so much for your very informative article on Karuna reiki. I am a reiki master and have done Karuna reiki and taken attunement. But certain things I will request you to kindly throw light on all eight symbols of karuna reiki and their uses especially which symbol to apply on which part of the body or on Chakra and for how long? Do you have to keep repeating the symbol/s name in singing like tone continuously as long as giving reiki to self or a client. also I have read some where that by Karuna reiki symbols you can heal the karma, Soul DNA and RNA. If yes, kindly do let me know so that I could help people. Some people are coming to me for their such treatment of Karma healing and such like. Any other suggestion from you will be highly appreciated. Thank you, thank you, Thank you. Gratitude. Love and light.

    • Thanks Jashvir,

      Karuna Reiki Symbols has very subtle energy and thus works very subtly but its effects are very astonishing and that’s why Karuna Reiki is very popular, next after Usui Reiki.
      Every person has his own way of practicing Reiki, you have asked about should we chant the symbol name or continuously sing? Chanting the symbol name thrice is the most popular way to activate Reiki. Other than that, many people continue to repeat the symbol name while practicing, and that is also fine. As it helps to focus and concentrate on the Reiki.
      Reiki is healing energy, so definitely I believe that it has the power to heal our karmas, you can not change your karmas but the energy created by your karma- positive or negative, can be balanced by using Reiki.

      Love, Light & Reiki

  4. Is there additional atunements to receive for karuna? I have already reached usui reiki master level… I am intrigued with these additional symbols, and I’m looking forward to working with them, but if there is additional attunement ceremony, I would love to receive it.

    • Thanks Charles stopping by.

      Karuna Reiki is different from Usui Reiki, so you need to attune Karuna Reiki to receive these symbols. Since you are a Reiki Master, first you need to complete your Reiki Master Teacher attunement, unless you are not able to receive Karuna Reiki.

      I am sure you will be a great Reiki Teacher and I wish you all the success.

      Love, Light & Reiki.


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