Why It’s Important To Set Up A Reiki Website?

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If you are on this page and reading this article, and want to know if you should set up your own Reiki Website then my simple answer is: yes, you should set up your own Reiki website.

I would encourage you to start your own Reiki website even if you are just started with Reiki and have completed only Reiki Level 1.

As a Reiki Level 1 practitioner, you can share your healing skills with your friends, family, pets, basically, you can give “hand-on” reiki.  But while practicing level 1, you come across many new experiences while giving reiki to yourself and others.  You can share this newfound skill with others with your reiki website.

There are thousands of people who are searching for “Reiki” online.  I would like to share with you a screenshot for the keyword “reiki”.


You can see that there are 30,814 people searching for the word “reiki” in the last 30 days, yes these are the results for the last 30 days.  So you can imagine the scope and demand for Reiki services in the world.

These results are worldwide, these are people from all over the world, and that’s one of the most important reasons to have a Reiki website.  When you have a reiki website, you will serve the entire world.   People are searching for a simple question like What is a Reiki?, I am sure if you are a Reiki practitioner, you can easily help them understand about this amazing healing modality Reiki.

You can help them understand our endocrine systems, chakras, and how Reiki can help to balance our system.  There are unlimited benefits of Reiki, which people still are unaware of, we can help them.

There are approximately 4 billion people search the internet for different products and services.  With a website, you can easily tap these opportunities.

Do Not Repeat My Mistake

I was practicing and giving my services as a Yoga Teacher & Reiki Practitioner from 2002-03, but that time, having a website was not easy, and honestly, I didn’t have the required skills and knowledge to build a website.

But as a healer, we always want to share our healing experiences with others but I didn’t know how to offer my services to a larger audience.  I was practicing in my close social circle with limited tools.

Somehow, I also felt that I need to be a Reiki Master Teacher, to spread my knowledge.  It is absolutely true, that in Usui Reiki you need to be an RMT, to attune others but you can share your experiences, with other Reiki followers and you can help them immensely.

So do not repeat my mistake and wait till you become a Reiki Master Teacher to build your website.  You can start your website now, and start sharing your knowledge with others.

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 Must Remember Things While Building A Reiki Website

While building a Reiki website, you must remember certain things, that will further help you to establish yourself as a Reiki expert.

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Visual Identity

First and foremost, it is important to remember that the people who are searching for Reiki, are in search of some kind of healing. So make your website with soothing colours that will give them a feeling of relaxation.  Use pastel colours that will soothe the visitors, I would highly recommend to check out this Canva tool to select your website colours.  Be consistent with colours across the board.

Add some high-quality images from Pexels, Unsplash, or Pixabay.

About Me Page

Any website should have the “About” page, it should tell your personal story and why and how about your Reiki site.  You should have your own photo so that people can see the person behind the website.  It also helps to build your credibility.

You should share your Reiki journey, a little about you and your background, location, and why you are building the Reiki website.

A good About page connects immediately with your readers.

Blog Page

The blog is your space to share your knowledge, experience, new findings of Reiki, or other healing modalities with your readers.

To write a good blog should not be intimidating.  Do not hesitate to share your findings with your readers.  People like to read authentic blogs and they appreciate it if you share any new findings.

No doubt you need to learn the basics of SEO to get ranked on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.  But once you learn, it become very easy to write blogs.

Besides blog page, you also need to have pages like contact page, services page, testimonial page, etc.  But it is very easy to set up these pages.  I will provide you all the tools and training needed to set up your website, totally free.

Social Media Integrations

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Once you decide to set up a Reiki website, you should also integrate your social media pages like the Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and so on, so that it will become easier for your readers to follow you on different social media platforms.

There are some good plugins that will help you to connect all your social media profiles like Sassy Social Share, which is totally free.

Newsletter Subscription

Email marketing is a must for any business and you can read 10 Reasons To Start Email Marketing Immediately.

Through emails, you can connect with your readers across the globe in a click, not only that but you can share your latest post with them, you can provide them with discounts on products if you sell products on your website.  You can educate your readers through an email-series, the uses of email marketing are immense.

There are many free email providers, but I like Mailerlite most and am using it for many years.  It is free up to 1000 subscribers, and it has many amazing features.  You can Join Mailerlite Here.


The best part of having a website is you can monetize it and earn money from it.  You can create training on your website or promote other products like I am promoting Money Reiki and earning money from it.

You can promote your own products, services, book sessions, give distant reiki and earn from all these sources. You can place Google ads, and earn passive income from it.

Affiliate marketing is another good reason to create your own Reiki website.  I just love affiliate marketing and that’s why I dedicated a website Advantage Affiliates for it.  You can promote other products on your website and earn a commission between 10-75%. Not bad, right?

People prefer to buy online and this trend is going to increase and this will help us to earn a commission.  Only on Amazon, there are more than 3000 Reiki products, think about other e-commerce platforms like Flipkart, e-bay, and so on.  All these stores have affiliate programs and they share a certain percentage if you promote their products on your website, and the best part is all these affiliate programs are free to join.

No Technical Knowledge?

I know it may sound scary to build a website if you don’t have any technical knowledge like me.  But believe me, building a website is become easy and you can build a website under 60 seconds.

When I started building my website, I was very scared if I would be able to build a decent website but Wealthy Affiliate makes it so easy to handle your business without any headache.

I hope by now you are ready to build your own Reiki Website if so I am giving you an opportunity.  Click the link below and you will have a website + hosting + training totally free.

I know sometimes it’s quite confusing to choose the right hosting but I am offering you hosting totally free and enough time to see if this opportunity is for you.

Everything is free, you just need to put your hard work and dedication to build your own Reiki Website. Don’t worry I am here to help you out if you stuck somewhere.

I Want My Own Reiki Website

Still, if you have any questions or hesitant about having your own Reiki website, feel free to comment below and I will answer asap:)


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