Root Chakra Healing Meditation With Money Reiki

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Just a few hours and we all are entering into a new era, a new year, new hopes, and new expectations.  We all are expecting a more vibrant, more blissful, prosperous 2021.  On this New Year Eve, why not start with Root Chakra Healing Meditation?

Why Root Chakra Healing Meditation?

2020 has been a very significant year in many ways.  On one side it has affected the entire world with a dreadful disease, which badly affected the financial situation all over the world.  On other hand, it forced us to think outside of the box and opened new doors for many business opportunities.  Thankfully, slowly but definitely the world is coming out of the adverse financial effects of the outburst of Corona Virus.

At the same time, we need to halt and see inside how much it has affected our thinking pattern and how intensely it has affected our subconscious mind.

For the last few months, on a daily basis, we were bombarded with the news all over the places, stories of unemployment, financial losses, and so on.  Somewhere deep down we get affected by this continuous bombardment.  It has made the entire community feeling unsafe, unsure of tomorrow.

All these conditions affect our minds and so our root chakra. The main function of the Root Chakra is related to our physical existence.  We need to have a balanced root chakra, to feel secured and protected.

Root Chakra or Muladhara chakra is the foundation of other chakras, if one chakra gets imbalanced other chakras also get affected.

Due to the circumstances in 2020, we need to heal our root chakra, we need to remove any debris that may have accumulated due to fear and uncertainty in the world.

It’s always better to cleanse our root chakra as it not only affects our physical but mental health also.

Recommended Read: Muladhara or Root Chakra.

Once you understand the vast role Root Chakra plays in our physical, mental, emotional, and financial health, you need to meditate on root chakra to cleanse it.

Meditation is a very easy process of concentrating on your breaths and slowly getting in touch with your subconscious mind.  I have explained the whole procedure in detail in Guided Meditation for Abundance & Prosperity.

Root Chakra Meditation With Money Reiki

As I mentioned, meditation is an easy process and you can use it to cleanse root chakra.  You do not need to be a Reiki or Money Reiki Practitioner.  Anyone can meditate on Muladhara or Root chakra and get benefited.  It’s your intention to have a balanced Muladhara Chakra is more than enough.

But if you have learned Reiki and Money Reiki, you have additional tools that you must use.  Reiki and Money Reiki help greatly to access your past lives and do the needful.  You even need not to know the reasons for your problems.

Money Reiki is a specialized branch which deals with the spiritual energy of money, abundance, and prosperity.  When you learn Money Reiki, you also learn how to deal with negativities and protect yourself, your family, and the whole planet.  Want to know how you can heal the planet financially? Read Money Reiki – Easy Way To Abundance & Prosperity

Let’s Start

Before we start, have a look at the image of Muladhara/ Root chakra.

what is the Root chakra

You also need to focus at the base of the spine ( Coccyx), the first three vertebrae, where this chakra is located.

It is our survival center and is responsible for the safety and security feeling on this earthly journey.

We will start by invoking Reiki, Money Reiki, Archangel Michael, and Raphael, all higher energies, Money devas to help us in this meditation.

Sit In A Comfortable Position Or Lie Down. Totally Relax Your Body And Mind By Focusing On Your Breaths For Some Time. Take Deep Breaths And Slowly Exhale.

Concentrate on your breaths till you become totally Relaxed.

Take As Much Time As Needed To Achieve This State. This Is The Most Important State. Unless Your Breaths Slow Down There Is No Use To Continue Further.

Do Not Worry If You Find It Difficult To Focus On Your Breaths, If You Are Practicing Meditation First Time, you may find it difficult.

Practice Daily And Within A Few Days, You Will Be Able To Focus and concentrate On Your Breaths.

Once Relaxed, Invoke Reiki And Money Reiki. Reiki Symbolizes As A Pure White Light Whereas Money Reiki Can Be Visualized As A Golden Light.

First Activate Reiki, The Way You Are Taught To, Then Activate Money Reiki.

Visualize A Pure White Light On Your Crown Chakra, Take Few Moments To Feel Any Vibration Near Crown Chakra. Most Of The Time You Get A Tingling Sensation Whenever You Activate Reiki. Some May See Different Colors In Third Eye Chakra.

Once You Activate Reiki, Also Activate Money Reiki, A Golden Light Entering Through Your Crown Chakra.

A Mixture Of White Rays And Golden Light Entering Through Your Crown Chakra. Slowly It Goes Down To Each Chakra Up To The Root Chakra.

Pay Special Attention To Any Vibration, Color Or Guidance you may get as Reiki Passes Through Each Chakra.

Now once the energy reaches the Root Chakra, the base of the spine, visualize the above image of the root chakra. Now visualize the golden-yellow light engulfing root chakra.  You can invoke the Clearance Symbol of Money Reiki first, to cleanse any unwanted energies, residues collected in the root chakra.

You can also visualize the Golden Pyramid Symbol if you guided to.

The beej mantra of the Muladhara Chakra is Lum, so you can mentally chant this mantra while meditating on the Root Chakra.

See each petal of the Root Chakra healthy and shining brightly.

Affirm thrice My Root Chakra is balanced.

Visualize this and chant the Lum mantra as much as needed, you intuitively know when you are done.

Even after completion, don’t open your eyes or make any bodily movement suddenly.  Stay in this state for a few more moments.

Slowly open your eyes and pay Gratitude to higher energies, Archangels for helping us in this meditation.

We should pay Gratitude to Higher energies after we invoke them.

I would recommend you to practice this Root Chakra Healing With Money Reiki at least once a week, for a month, and after that whenever needed.   Also, note down any changes during this one month on a regular basis.  I am sure you will definitely notice some changes.

I would appreciate if you share your finding with me in the comments below.


Learn Money Reiki To Attract Abundance & Prosperity

Reiki Blessings,


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