What is a new moon abundance check and does it really helps us to fulfill our heart’s desire? How to write New Moon Abundance & Prosperity Check? Does Jim Carrey really manifested $10 Million by writing a Check?
Check out how Jim responded to Oprah Winfrey
Moon and Manifestation: Learn to Manifest with Lunar Cycles
Moon is always symbolized as the best source of manifestation. The moon plays a very important role in human lives.
Moon rules emotions and feelings, so it is said to be the KARAK of our mind in Astrology. Moon is a natural benefic and is capable of giving great mental power and prosperity.
Moon also denotes emotional power.
Water is the element of the Moon. Moon is the closest planet to the Earth and the gravitational force of the Moon and Sun causes tides in the ocean.
As we know, the human body consists of 60% water, like the Earth, the phases of the moon, are bound to affect human lives.
the approximate % of water in the human body:
The Brain and heart are composed of 73% water,
The lungs are about 83%,
The skin contains 64% water,
Muscles and Kidneys are 79%
The new moon and Full moon are the important phases of the moon that we can use in many ways. The new moon is popularly known as the Waning moon. In India, it is known as AMAVASYA.
The Full moon is known as the waxing moon or POORNIMA.
It is a well-known fact of Astrology that the “kala” of the moon increases every day from the New Moon and decreases from the Full Moon.
So it is the best ritual to seed your intentions on the New Moon day, to let the Universe know about your desires.
Moon rituals are symbolic actions. The New Moon rituals are for seeding your intentions while the Full Moon ritual is for discarding or to cut off unwanted habits.
The New Moon Ritual can be done for attracting love, abundance, money, and prosperity. Abundance can be in any form and most probably you will see the results where it is most needed.
Additional Resource :
The Powerful Manifestation Ritual
The Powerful Manifestation Ritual explains all about:
New Moon and Full Moon journaling prompt, uniquely designed to correspond with the present zodiac sign during each of the 13 cycles this year.
•A full explanation of the 12 universal laws and how each applies to the Goddess Life Designer formula.
•Rituals for the morning and evening.
•Prompts for each lunar cycle, lunar phase, and individual day. The prompts are designed to keep you fully aligned and inspired while manifesting your desires.
Sub Conscious mind and Symbolism
The human mind could be divided into three parts- Conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is much bigger than the Conscious mind and accounts for around 60% of brain activities.
So the Subconscious mind greatly affects human activities and we don’t have any active control over the subconscious mind.
But the Subconscious mind interacts with us with the help of symbols.
Dreams are the most powerful tool through which the Subconscious conveys its messages through symbolic events.
The subconscious mind understands the symbolic gesture more easily. so we write Abundance Checks on the New Moon day, as a symbol.
In this ritual, one may use other symbols also, like using crystals which carry moon frequencies like Opal, Moonstone.
You can also use incense sticks to make the ritual perfect.
Connect with Archangel Gabrial, and ask to open the doors of opportunities for you.
Wearing white clothes while performing the ritual, gives a dramatic effect.
The most important tip is not to rush through the ritual. Keep aside at least 15 minutes to complete this ritual.
Be present at the moment, and complete the Abundance Check ritual.
New Moon Abundance Check is a tool, by which you can let know the Universe your wish of abundance. Abundance does not mean only financial abundance but every area of your life, or in the area where it is needed.
Though Abundance checks are to be written particularly for financial gain.
The ritual is quite popular and followed by all over the world, and its origin is unknown.
You need not believe this ritual, in a way, it is not a belief system where you have to believe in it to get the results.
Obviously, if you believe in the ritual, you are mentally assured of the results.
But I think it’s more like a circle, you perform the New Moon Ritual- you get results- again you perform the ritual.
When is the New Moon?
Calculate your own time zone here:
How to write an Abundance Check?
Abundance check has to be written after the New moon day, within12 hours preferably in the day time, before sunset.
1. Take a blank check, or take a paper and write down all the details as per the check.
2. I have created blank cheques with different currencies like Dollar, Yen, and Euro, especially useful for Money Reiki students.
These Currency Cheques are very useful if you want to manifest business in other countries and attract clients and money from that particular country.
Checkout Set of 4 Abundance Checks to Manifest Money: Included Grabovoi Code, Angel & Switchwords Codes
Simple Steps to Write Abundance Cheque
- Write NOW, where the Date is written/leave it blank.
- Write Your Name where PAY is written.
- Write PAID IN FULL, where RUPEES is written and also in the box provided for the amount written in the numbers.
- Write THE LAW OF ABUNDANCE, in the A/C NO box and where SIGN is written.
- On the backside of the check, you can write your name.
- Pray in your mind to manifest your wish, pay Gratitude!
- If you are a Reiki Practitioner and want to add a Reiki touch, draw CKR symbol on the four sides of the check. You can draw any symbol, you are drawn to.
- Give Reiki to the Check.
- Keep your check in a safe place and forget it! The Universe will take care of your desires.
- Continue this ritual for consecutive 3 New Moon, on the 4th New moon, burn the old ones (total 3) or you can tear them up.
Recommended Read: Set The New Moon Intentions For Quick Manifestation
Energy Circle for New Moon!
This is an EC (Energy Circle) created for the New Moon. Switchwords and healing numbers/frequencies are included in Energy Circles.
Blueiris is one of the most authentic sites on Switchwords.
Above EC is from Rhoda mam’s collection:
Energy Circles created on a New Moon day, carry a lot of power!
This ALL IN Healthy BE EC is one such powerful EC.
Use it however, you wish!
55-PERSONAL-TRUST: Show the way to becoming a success, balance Chakras.
ADJUST-Blue Bonnet-BALANCE-DIPOLE-AMBROSIA-TOGETHER-BE: Keep yourself fit as a fiddle!
ALL IN ~Totally enjoying, embracing and absorbing; 100% unshakable, unstoppable certainty; move forward; total realization; breakthrough on all levels – physical, mental, spiritual; a miracle beyond triumph and victory
1712210-Happy healthy prosperous number.
10,000 Hz Beneficial Frequency for Immunity
Let’s write a New Moon Abundance Check and start manifesting for the highest good of all! Do share your experiences with me!
Happy Manifesting!
I wish all of you a Very Happy New Moon from reikiamazes.com!
Really love what you write. It’s so easy to understand and implement.
Divine Thanks
Hey Harshita,

Writing Abundance Check on New Moon eve, is a very beneficial ritual, do believe in it. Not necessarily it aims at financial goal, abundance can be in any area of your life, mainly where it is needed the most. I hope you will write one on the next New Moon.
Hi Shubhangi,
That’s an interesting info on manifesting our dreams. Have few questions.
1) Do we need to write “PAID IN FULL” in the box provided for the amount written in the numbers, too?
2) Do we need to write “THE LAW OF ABUNDANCE” where SIGN is written or place our signature?
Yes, Carthik, write Paid in Full, in the amount box also, you can not keep it blank. Yes, you can write your desired amount in critical conditions, but why limit yourself to a particular amount. The Universe is abundant by nature. A simple example, you sow a few seeds but we get unlimited in return. Don’t limit yourself.
When we write a check, we put our sign, right? Now This Abundance is coming to us through The Law of Abundance. We are assuming that this check is signed by The Law of Abundance, and so we are assured that our wish is going to fulfill.
Don’t forget to sign the back of the check, (Your Sign), as if we are going to deposit the check in the bank.
People who follow this ritual, are always get their desired results, in most of the cases.
Do try this out, and pl let me know your findings.
Thank you, Shubhangi. Could you please confirm the next 3 New Moon days are as below?
Jan 28 – Saturday – 05:38 – Abundance cheque to be written before 17:38,
Feb 26 – Sunday – 20:30 – Abundance cheque to be written before 08:30 (Feb 27),
Mar 28 – Tuesday – 08:29 – Abundance cheque to be written before 20:29
Yes Carthik, dates are right but just make sure by checking here
Also check with your local timing Carthik, as it differs according to longitude and latitude.
Hope you will find it useful.
If need any clarification, pl let me know.
Hi dear
I’m very glad you’re providing nice information through this portal God bless you keep on going
Thanks Varsha,
glad you like the post, and appreciate your comments.
I always try to give every possible information which will help all of us in some or the other way.
will try my best to provide you with best of my thoughts:))
Good day,
I’m really impressed and endowed by the best tools to manifest dreams. These tips are really great for those of us who believe in the power of nature and how it affects humanity. Thanks for writing this beautiful blog post I’m so lucky to read this.
Have a nice day
Thanks Salim,
There are more than one ways to manifest our wishes and our subconscious plays a huge role in manifestation If our instructions get deep-rooted in it, manifestation becomes easy.
So it is important to practice these methods when we have enough time, to connect with our subconscious.
The New Moon Abundance check mythology has been around for many years, through many millennia, and has projected across many generations, nations and religious beliefs.
The idea was originally believed to originate in Pagan belief although many other beliefs use the same or similar iconography. The relationship between the Earth and our Moon is an obvious one, and one which cannot fail to have an influence on our existence
I am not so sure that writing a check is something that will have any great chance to be cashed literally, although the power of positive thought and cleansing any negativeness at the time of the New Moon can surely have only positive effects..
Thanks Adrian,
Writing New Moon Abundance is a way to let our subconscious know about our dreams and wishes. Subconscious does not understand our language but understand the vibrations, emotions, colours, and symbols.
Subconscious plays a huge role in our life, to guide it in the right direction to fulfill our dreams and goals, we need to take the help of these tools.
Moon cycles have a great manifestation power and so we usually start a new project on new moon day, because after new moon day, the KALA or phases of moon increased day by day.
That’s a really interesting article, and I had heard about the Jim Carey ‘Check’ incident before, but I just thought it was a Hollywood myth – very interesting to find out it’s real and see him talking about it on TV.
I’m definitely going into this check thing tonight, and thanks for explaining how to do it in so much detail – really interesting website and topics.
Hey Chris,
Thanks you like the article on New Moon Abundance Check, but I would suggest you start from a New Moon Day. It has specific energies, which help to fulfill our goals. But the most important thing in manifestation is your subconscious mind.
You have explained here some things am not really conversant with. New moon and full moon. If I may ask, what Religious groups teach about this? Is it the Indian Religion? I asked because I am a Christian and these teachings of New moon and full moon rituals are so unscriptural to we Christians. I was thought to table my request to God through Jesus Christ and that’s the answer to our prayers and u know what? This my believes works so well for me.
Hey Kenechi,
Thanks for your honest opinion about the new moon abundance check. It is possible that many do not believe in this method, and that’s absolutely ok for me. As I do not know all the rituals of the different parts of the world.
New Moon and Full Moon, is quite popular concepts in India, and it is well proven that Moon and it’s phases not only influence human but the entire universe, as the moon is the nearest planet to the Earth.
I am really happy for you that you find a definite method to connect with Jesus, otherwise, it will not be possible that it works so well for you.
This is great article about how empowering and adding abundance to your inner self. I never was a big believer of this but this is kind of a reality check for me. I will try it out to see what I get from the new and full moon in all kind aspects in my life. Thank you for sharing this. Al
Thanks, Alvaro
New Moon can be quite powerful time, to start any new project, new goals, new plans, as it is the best time to seed your desires, wishes.
Writing New Moon Abundance Check is a symbolic way to connect with your subconscious, to convey your ideas and plans so that Subconscious Mind work towards helping us to achieve our goals.
I was so inspired while reading this page. I felt the glamour in my long dreamed kind of life in the future. I’m excited to do it. I can feel and see that my dream is closer to me now. I Just wanna have a clarification. Do we need to write in a check every month during the new moon?