My First Kindle Release

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Hello Beautiful Souls,

I am really happy to share this news with all of you.

My first Kindle book “An Unconventional Outlook: Reiki” is soon going to be published on Amazon.


In this book, I have discussed many topics and my intention to write this book is to make people aware of the fact that it’s really really easy to take care of their health with the help of Reiki.

The book is very helpful for beginners as my motive is to encourage people to learn Reiki, and to get started with Reiki Level 1.

That’s why I also offering Reiki Level 1 for free.

Many people are not recognizing that Reiki Level 1 is the most important stepping stone if they want to keep their health at optimal.

Not only that I have also discussed many ways in which one can apply Reiki Level 1 in day-to-day life.

It’s my firm belief that you can send Reiki from plant to planet, even if you are a Reiki Level 1.   And therefore, I have shared many tips on how a Reiki Level 1 practitioner can give Reiki to his or her planets.

Astrology has been a major interest for many people, so I also shared a way to give Reiki to your birth chart, for Reiki Level 1 practitioner.

If you are a Reiki II or more, you can easily send Reiki through the HSZSN symbol and with many other ways.

I always find that Reiki Level 1 Practitioners limit themselves because they have no access to symbols yet.

Symbols are no doubt very important as they help you to focus and concentrate your energy on a single goal but that should not limit you.

Your intention to heal is enough to send Reiki Healings.

One of the most important benefits of learning Reiki is it turns your hands in “Reiki Hands” and now after the attunement, you can heal anything just by your intention.

Water has a phenomenal power to store different vibrations and therefore I have shared many tips on how to charge water with your intention, powerful affirmations, and switch words.

Intuition is the most important tool to get information for energy healers.  I have shared many ways you can improve your intuition power and also discussed many hand positions for Reiki Level 1.

Reiki Level 1 hand positions are one of the important tools to improve your Extrasensory powers and Reiki can help to sharpen your ESP without any risk.

Reiki always works for the highest interest of the receiver, but at the same time, you should also intend to receive Reiki for your highest interest only.

Do you know that even if you are Reiki Level 1 Practitioner, you can easily balance your different chakras?  It’s easier than you think.

I hope you will find many more tips through my book.

If you like to get the latest updates on the release date and when it will be available on Amazon, subscribe now.

It becomes difficult to answer individually, so if you are on my list, I will be updating all of you.

Thanks for your constant support to Reiki Amazes.



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