Usui Reiki Healing Master Review – Is It Worth It?

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Reiki is a Spiritual Healing Energy, and it is very popular as a very powerful complementary healing system.  It is becoming more and more popular, because of its simplicity and effectiveness.

Reiki is popular also because it is a holistic healing modality which works on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of human existence.

It will not be an exaggeration if I say that it is the only healing modality which heals extensively on the past, present, and future of a person or a situation.

Since it is Divine energy, it has its own intelligence, and do no harm to anyone.  Reiki energy flows where it is needed.

One of the major characteristics of Reiki is Distance Healing.  Reiki works beyond space and time.  You can understand this concept through our day to day experience.

We all live in a different part of the world, and in India, it is 8.00 pm, but in the other part of the world it may be 7.30 am, or maybe 3.00 pm, so we experience different time zones and time differences.  No more, we feel astonished of the fact.

In the same manner, Reiki works beyond space and time. Through this unique feature of Reiki, Reiki can be available across the countries and space dimension.  How amazing is it, that you can send Reiki to your future?

Read More: Does Reiki Distance Healing Work?

Once you learn Reiki, it works as a secret tool, which you can use for past, present, and future.  In the beginning, I was very hesitant to learn through a distant learning medium like an online course, as most of my attunements were done in person.

So I was very particular to receive Reiki attunements in person, and for this reason, I postponed my Reiki Master Teacher attunement for almost 5+ years, can you believe this?

But unfortunately, this is true, in person RMT attunements charges were so exorbitant, that every time I enquire for attunement, I had not any option but to postpone it.  But my craving to become an RMT, was irresistible. So I choose the option to get an online RMT attunement.

Surprisingly and to my amazement, though it was a distance attunement, I literally felt the vibration and I instantly realized that my RMT attunement was done.

Honestly, from that day onwards, I started teaching and giving attunements online.  Also, I always have a look at all the available Reiki Master courses.

Today many informative and really good Reiki courses are available online, and you should take one of these courses if you want to learn Reiki Online.

One of the major benefits of learning Reiki Online is that it is available at a very reasonable price and you can learn it at the leisure of your home.

Recently I came across the Usui Reiki Healing Master Online Course by Bruce Wilson, and I find it very useful Reiki resource.

Though on some points, I differ with Bruce, which I will discuss further, I have no doubt that this course will be beneficial who want to learn Reiki.

What is Usui Reiki Healing Master?

PIN usui reiki healing master review

Usui Reiki Healing Master is an online course by Bruce Wilson, which will teach you Reiki from Basic Reiki up to the Master’s level of Reiki.

Bruce Wilson is teaching Reiki for almost 10 years now, so he knows his stuff very well.  As his tagline says – How to Learn Reiki Easy Way – he really teaches the Reiki in the simplest form.

Bruce came to know about accidentally, Bruce was suffering from depression and anxiety.  He visited countless doctors and gone through many treatments to no avail.

One day Bruce’s wife asked him to visit a local church where a Reiki Practitioner offering his services.  Bruce was very reluctant, and he was sure that it was going to be a waste of time.

But just to avoid any argument, both visited the church to receive Reiki treatment for Bruce.  Bruce says that his first impression of the Reiki Practitioner was good, or at least not something very extraordinary.

He was an average old man, but once he put his hands on Bruce, he felt instant relief from his chronic anxiety and depression.

In Bruce’s own word,

As soon as he touched me, I felt like some energy was radiating from his hands.

The tension of anxiety and depression left my body, I was shocked…

Could this be? All that I suffered from for so long was like gone away.

“Finally, I was relieved… at peace… This is a moment I’ll Never Forget. ”

Bruce got relief from his mental and emotional disease, which he was suffered from so long, just in his first session.

Unfortunately, Bruce was charged heavily to learn Reiki, but with no success to heal others, according to Bruce.

He started to research on the Reiki and derived some conclusion, on which he started teaching Reiki from the last 15 years.

How does Usui Reiki Healing Master Work?

Usui Reiki Healing Master, based on the principles of Mikao Usui, so it is outlined on the Usui’s teaching.

One of the major principles of Mikao Usui was,

“Work on your heart and do things from the quiet space inside of you. Anyone can access Reiki, because it begins within yourself!”

This is the exact universal truth about Reiki.  Reiki is present in all of us, from birth.  Reiki is a healing energy which enables one to heal others as well as oneself.

Once learned, Reiki never diminishes or lose, just you need to practice it regularly.

What Do You Learn From Usui Reiki Healing Master?

The most effective way to unify the body, mind, and spirit.
. The ability to allow the body to heal itself.
. An optimized balance of the body’s organs, while the system is naturally harmonized.
. To reduce blocks in energy flow and re-energize the current energy flow throughout the body.

. Ways to increase spiritual growth and emotional clearing.

. To sleep better and wake up fully energized.
. Steps that contribute towards reducing blood pressure and supporting the immunity system.

Pain and Stress Relief.
. How to combat anxiety and depression.
. To tackle recurring problems, such as asthma, eczema, and headaches.
. The secret for minimizing side-effects after surgery or chemotherapy.

Honestly, the list can be never-ending, because Reiki works on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level, so you can include all the related problems in this list.

Reiki basically is balancing energy, so it balances or works on energy equilibrium.  So if there is an imbalance, in any of the planes, Reiki works to balance it.

What is the Price of Usui Reiki Healing Master and Is It Worth It?

Usui Reiki Healing Master Costs $47, and at present, it is offering a discount of $10, so you can grab a copy for $37.

Is it worth it? Absolutely, it should be no brainer, if you want to learn Reiki and become a Reiki Master Teacher.

It includes:review usui reiki healing master

  • REIKI Level 1 – The First Degree (Reiki Practitioner)
  • REIKI Level 2 – The Second Degree (Advanced Reiki)
  • REIKI Master Level – The Third Degree (Reiki Master)

One of the features which I like most, that all the content is also available in video format, so you can learn Reiki by watching Reiki Masters performing Reiki symbols and hand positions in front of you.

You will also get 3 Reiki Certificates:

  • Reiki Level 1 Certificate
  • Reiki Level 2 Certificate
  • Reiki Master Level Certificate

Authentic Reiki Music

You will also receive  Over 120 Minutes of Authentic Reiki Music that can be used in your meditation, therapy, chanting or simply as a way of relaxation.

You will also receive 12 books:

Superfoods For Optimum Health: Chlorella and Spirulina

The Healing Power of Water

177 Ways To Burn Calories

Supplementing With Superfoods

The Seven Secrets to a Good Diet

43 Nutrition Secrets Revealed

A Handbook of Health

Does Usui Reiki Healing Master Have A Money Back Guarantee?

Usui Reiki Healing Master comes with a 60 day Money Back Guarantee, so for any reason, if you want to return the product, it comes with no question asked 100% money back guarantee.

Many asked me if Usui Reiki Healing Master, is a scam or a legit product?  For sure it is not a scam product, you get all the attunements, Reiki Completion Certificates, Reiki music and other bonus books, which will be helpful to anyone.

It also comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, so if you do not like the product, you can return and get your money back.

Testimonials of Usui Reiki Healing Master

For the success of any product, it is important to have good testimonials by its users.  People like to read the experiences of other people who already gone through the program.

I really feel happy that Usui Reiki Healing Master has all the praises on the Internet, and you will not find a single bad review of the product.

“About a month ago I have received an attunement. I felt as though we had a true connection that day and was aware that you knew how appreciative I was at that time. I wanted to send a follow-up message to inform you that my Reiki abilities have grown exceptionally because of your program.

In my opinion Reiki is the ultimate life healing force. Thank you for opening my eyes and helping me to be able to better channel the energy I needed in my life. I would highly recommend your system to anyone who needs to get control of things in their life. ”


Pros and Cons of Usui Reiki Healing Master


Very cost effective, with all needed add ons like Reiki Music, Reiki Certificates & Bonus Books.

Training also available in Video format, which is important so that one exactly knows hand placements and attunement process.

Ongoing e-mail support by Bruce Wilson.

Money Back Guarantee


Reiki Master in Hours

I personally don’t like this claim by Bruce.  I appreciate that Bruce has discovered a system where you do not attunements, but just receiving Reiki Master Certificate is not a way to become a Reiki Practitioner.

Bruce, himself stated that he researched for years, and meditate a lot, to form his own healing system, one can not ignore the fact that you need to practice a lot, to grasp the intricacies of Reiki.

The Reiki principal is The More You Give The More You Receive.  So one constantly need to practice on self and others.

It may be possible, to complete all levels of Reiki in 24 hours, and receive RMT Certificate, but I think Bruce will also agree, that you need years of practice to become a Reiki Master Teacher.  Though I agree with Bruce that Reiki is within all of us.


Usui Reiki Healing Master is an online Reiki course, which will help one to become a Reiki Master Teacher, from the leisure of the home.

Bruce Wilson has been working in Reiki circle for a more than a decade now, so he has a deep understanding and knowledge of Reiki.

It is great that he has added all the Reiki Teachings in Digital as well as Video format so that students can actually watch how to perform Reiki Sessions.

Reiki Music Tracks can be really useful while practicing Reiki, meditating and for peace.

Bruce has provided around 7 books as a bonus, and they are very informative and educational.  I personally think, “The Healing Power of Water” can be really helpful to Reiki students and practitioners.

Water has a great absorbent capacity and it’s really astonishing to see how water can be used to heal ourselves.

So do you I recommend Usui Reiki Healing Master?  Yes, I definitely recommend this product to anyone who wants to learn Reiki online.  It is a very helpful Reiki asset to Reiki lovers.

 Buy Usui Reiki Healing Master Here

Many of you ask me about Online Reiki Courses, so I decided to review some of the Online Courses, I hope this review is helpful to you.

If you find this Review of Usui Reiki Healing Master helpful, share it with your friends and family, who might be interested in it.

Feel free to post your comments, questions and any experience with this online course or other in the comments below, I will be glad to answer all of them.

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