
Change Your life With Affirmations-Louise Hay: Free Challenge

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8th October is Louise Hay’s Birthday and to celebrate this occasion Hay House has organized a free event.

Affirmations were an inevitable & inseparable part of  Louise’s life.  Affirmations weren’t just something Louise would teach other people to do; she practiced them in her own life every day.

In her office, she had affirmations on her computer screen and desk. These affirmations would constantly be changing to match what was going on in Louise’s own life.

At her house, there would be affirmations on the walls and on her bathroom mirror.

Louise used affirmations to help with manifesting. She was a master at manifesting—if she wanted something to happen, it almost always did. She used affirmations to help with any challenges with her health or her body. She would also use them to help improve the way she felt about herself or a situation she was in. Basically, she used them for everything.

Louise taught all of us that your thoughts create your life, and affirmations were a way of getting us to transform negative thoughts into positive ones.

If you would like to learn how to improve your life with affirmations, we are doing a FREE virtual event called the Change Your Life with Affirmations Challenge. It will be hosted by Robert Holden, a best-selling author who wrote a book with Louise and was a huge fan of her work.

Many Hay House authors were involved with the challenge, as well as daily teachings and affirmations from Louise herself (some of my favorite lessons from Louise, in fact). Plus, when you sign up, you will get a FREE download of Louise’s most beloved affirmations of all time.

The Change Your Life with Affirmations Challenge starts October 4 and goes through October 8 (Louise’s birthday).

To learn more about the event and sign up for free, just follow this link!

Event schedule-free challenge

I hope you will join me in this Change Your life With Affirmations Challenge, don’t forget to share this event with all your friends and help them also to change their lives.

ps: Link for Webinar for Day 1: Finding Greater Self-Esteem


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