Blog with Me – Why I am asking you to? If you are a Healer, Therapist or Lightworker like me I sincerely request you to start a blog of your own.
I have many friends who are healers, and we became friends through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and so on. Some of my friends have extraordinary talents in their own fields and mainly use social media to spread their knowledge.
Using social media to spread your knowledge and services is not a bad idea, but it has its own pros and cons. The main reason not to use ONLY social media as your main platform is it does not create a strong foundation for your business.
Having your own blog or website certainly gives a solid foundation for your online business, which you can leverage as you expand your services.
I know what you might be thinking – when there are so many sites online, who is going to visit your site? I am not that expert in my field, can I be able to handle my online business? I have no computer knowledge to make a website etc.
But to tell you the truth, I was facing the same questions when I started my site, and there is an ongoing demand for services provided by healers and therapists.
In the above screenshot, you will find the average searches for a month for “Reiki” is 34630, means all these people are searching for Reiki information in some kind or the other.
For Numerology, 13613 people are searching for numerology services on a monthly basis.
Same with astrology, 24,6871 people searching online per month for this keyword.
So you see, people are now searching online for healing their problems. You just need to guide these people in a right direction by providing and helping them with a proper solution.
How Hard is it to Start Your Business Online?
If you ask me if you start with a well-established platform, it’s the easiest to handle your online business. I have no technical background and no coding knowledge, but still, I am running my online business.
Having your own blog can help You tremendously.
90% of the people search the internet before making any purchase.
A website gives much-needed credibility to your business
Websites are global, not local
Websites are always accessible 24x7x365
Websites are the best platforms to showcase your work
Creates your own brand
When I started blogging, I Chose Reiki as my niche, the subject which I love and Practice it in my daily life without fail. Reiki is something which I can relate to, it’s very natural and needs no additional tools to practice or offer your service to at the base level.
I had no idea What I was doing, but today I am really happy that my site is online for the last two years and I can share my knowledge and experience through my website.
You and Your Website becomes a sellable brand over time.
sell your products and services
With your own Website, you can easily promote your services and products to a whole lot of the audience on the net, who are searching for.
Promoting products and services on your website is cost effective than to other advertising media like print media. You just need a blog post to introduce your product to your audience.
Unlike FaceBook, gives more longevity to your work
Facebook and its forums are great places to share your work, but your website is a way better place to share your work as it gives more durability and longevity to your work.
Most cost-effective way to start Your own Blog
Nowadays having your own website is not that expensive, and many platforms are offering free???? membership. Why I am putting ? on a free membership.
Many or should I say almost every platform offers free membership with a hidden cost or upsell with it. Wix is one of the platforms which offers easy drag and drop functionality and very easy to make websites for you. But why you should be careful before creating a Wix Website, Read Here.
One platform which I am using for the past two years and can recommend anyone who wants to build their online business is Wealthy Affiliate.
It is an Online University which teaches you everything from A to Z of Online Industry. The best part of it is that I don’t have to know any technical part of maintaining my websites.
When I started with WA, I had zero knowledge of Online Industry and how to make and run my websites. The step by step training helps you to build your online business.
How much WA costs?
For less than $ 1 per day, I can create as much as 50 websites for my brand, hosting, training everything included. Can you believe this, you are building your online business less than dollar one and that too with topmost leading online marketers.
Wealthy Affiliates offers a Starter Membership for life, so it’s a total risk-free opportunity to start your own blog. But in my opinion, it’s always best to go for a premium membership, if you are serious about your online business.
Wealthy Affiliate is a community with 1.5 million+ members and everyone is pretty much happy with its services
Find Here if WA members are happy When asked if Is There Any Better Place to build your business than WA?
If you are from India, you need to create a Premium membership directly, as WA does not offer Starter Membership to some countries. But if you are serious about building your online business in an honest, ethical and encouraging atmosphere, WA is my only recommendation. After all I am just paying Rs.65 or less per day for my business.
Are You Ready to Build Your Online Business for less than $1 per Day?

If you have any questions or queries about how to start your own blog, pl feel free to ask in comments below, I will be more than happy to guide you in a right direction.