What You Will Learn in Money Reiki
Cleansing and Clearing Your negative karmas, negative thoughts and negative vibrations around money.
Clear Energetic Issues
Bad Financial Karma
Negative Energies You Generate Around Money
Negative Energies Directed at You From Others
Negative Entities and Thought Forms
Curses, Hexes, and Spells
Energy Vampires (Negative People)
Personal Issues
Financial Baggage
Bad Habits
Self Sabotage and Resistance
You will receive
- Money Reiki Practitioner Manual
- Money Reiki Practitioner Symbols/ PDF
- Money Reiki Master Manual
- Money Reiki Master Symbols/PDF
- Money Reiki GrandMaster Manual
- Money Reiki GrandMaster Symbols/PDF
- Attunements for all three levels
- Full support via e-mail/Whatsapp.
Once you are attuned you can use the energies, like regular Reiki energies.
Although not require some knowledge of healing and energy work is useful. Before taking this attunement. Please read, what you need to know before buying a distant attunement.