
Mandala Colouring With Louise’s Affirmation

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8th October is Louise’s birthday and in her loving memory, I have created these 8 Mandala Colouring Pages with her affirmations.


  • Happy Birthday Louise
  • My day begins and ends with gratitude.
  • I am a magnet for miracles.
  • Abundance flows into my life in delightful and surprising ways.
  • My income expands in delight and surprising ways.
  • I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe.
  • Thank You Universe.
  • Financial freedom is my divine right.

Affirmation is a great tool to mould your thoughts in a gentle way.  As you practice affirmations, it slowly absorbs in your subconscious mind.

The best part is you can create affirmations for any situation, and implement them in many ways.

Apply them in the daily life that best suits you, say it aloud or in mind, write it down, use mirror therapy, or just colour it daily. Just print them at home as many times as you want!


Click Here To Download the Mandala Colouring with Louise’s Affirmations

Bonus Gift:

On the occasion of Louise’s Birthday, Hay House had organized an event “Change Your Life With Affirmations”.  It was a 5-day challenge and it was packed with affirmations, prompts for daily insights, Louise’s audio tracks, meditations, Card reading, and daily assignments.

I created a Journal with Louise with all these 5-day assignments, feel free to download it by clicking the following link.

Journal with Louise

Journal With Louise

Happy Journaling & Colouring!

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